• Question: do you think making eco friendly products is important

    Asked by omarunited to Omar, James, Ivanka, Emma, Al on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Emma Bould

      Emma Bould answered on 14 Mar 2012:


      I think we have to look after the planet (it’s the only one there is!) and making eco friendly products is part of that. Other important elements are recycling, using less (things like printing on both sides of the paper saves the trees).

    • Photo: Omar Mustufvi

      Omar Mustufvi answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Yes, everybody needs energy in some form or another and at the moment most of this energy is coming from polluting sources. Governments and companies are now realising that everyone has to work together to develop clever ideas for energy production, which is the key reason for electric and hybrid cars.
      But the electricity needed for these cars has to come from somewhere too, so it is also important that energy providers develop renewable sources (wind, tidal, solar etc.) so that the whole energy chain is renewable.

      (Nice name btw.)

    • Photo: Al Bartlett

      Al Bartlett answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Hello Omarunited

      Good question. Products that are eco-friendly can only be a good thing for our planet. Since the dawn of time and the evolution of humans we have adapted to our surroundings and invented new things to help our everyday lives. Now that we have a greater understanding of the planet and what enables us to survive, it is important that we maintain that balance so we develop new products that are less harmful to the environment.

      I don’t think that humans ever intended to harm the environment or the ozone layer, we just didn’t understand enough about it to realise the harm we were doing.

    • Photo: James Vokes

      James Vokes answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      Absolutely. When we make eco-Unfriendly products we waste a lot of energy and materials just for a short term gain and maybe for a slightly cheaper price. In the long run these products will come back to bite us when the planet has run out of resources because we used them without thinking. So, yes, I think making eco-friendly products is very important.
