• Question: How do you think you're contributing to our society, being an engineer?

    Asked by greshmaxx to Al, Emma, Ivanka, James, Omar on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Al Bartlett

      Al Bartlett answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Hello greshmaxx,

      Engineers continually contribute to societ by making everyday tasks easier – inventors think of an idea, designers design it, manufacturers make it, and engineers maintain it and fix it when it goes wrong.

      If the world didn’t have engineers, things would eventually break and would never work again and nothing new would take its place – soon enough, we’d all be living in caves again!!

    • Photo: Emma Bould

      Emma Bould answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      What I do (with the 200 people on my ship) is protect Britain’s interest at sea….. also known as Maritime Security.

      Britain’s economy relies on the sea to keep the economy running, keep our cars running (the majority of fuel in the UK arrives by sea) and allow you to buy food and other goods (like Cars, TVs and clothing) which aren’t made or grown in Britain. 95% of global maritime trade passes through just nine choke-points around the world which are inevitably vulnerable to attack. That’s where we come in – one of our main jobs is to maintain security at sea and preserve a free, safe and lawful use of the high seas.

      I guess by me being an engineer on a ship that provides security to the merchant ships, I am in some way contributing to the economic security of the country.

    • Photo: Omar Mustufvi

      Omar Mustufvi answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      I think I am helping build a future where we can drive our cars without worrying about where the fuel comes from or how much pollution we are causing. I am, along with many other engineers out there, pushing the boundaries of what we can do with cars to make them more fuel efficient and shaping the way governments organise their plans of reducing global emissions.
