• Question: What type of special feature does your plane have?

    Asked by dev3000 to Al on 13 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Al Bartlett

      Al Bartlett answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      Hello Dev,

      Thank you for your question – I hope you enjoyed the chat session earlier?

      The C17 plane (the one I work on) has some very unique features on it. The four engines are very high performance and means that they are very powerful and can power the plane to lift very heavy cargo such as Tanks and Trucks.

      The plane also has another feature that is not on any other plane in the world – it has a special set of hydraulic ‘feet’ that can raise the whole plane off the ground so it is easy to change the tyres anywhere we go to the places that have runways that are made of sharp stones and gravel – this punctures the tyres sometimes so we need to fix them as soon as possible.

      I hope this answers your question?, feel free to send some more if there is anything else you would like to know.
