Question: When you moved from the large it company to your job on the t23 warship was there anything that made it a easy decision or was it a tough choice?
That’s a great question – I think whenever you change jobs, it’s a hard decision. Deciding to join the Navy was a really hard decision. My boss at the IT company was fantastic, she was really upset when I told her I was leaving, but I made the decision for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, the job I was doing with the IT company wasn’t purely engineering, it was more about business. It was great and I really enjoyed it, but because one of my goals was to become a chartered engineer, I needed to work as an engineer for a while.
Secondly, joining the Navy appealed to me when I was at school. I’m not sure why exactly, but I think I liked the idea of an adventure! I was running out of time (age wise) so I decided if I didn’t do it then, I would probably be too old and I would miss out.
I enjoy my job, because every day is an adventure…. whether I am abroad or in the UK. It’s challenging, there are always problems to solve and there aren’t many jobs where at the age of 28 I could have 27 people working for me.
Life in military isn’t for everyone, but if you want an exciting job, lots of responsibility and a bit of an adventure……. it’s a good choice 🙂