• Question: When did you realise that you wanted to be an engineer?

    Asked by 235aerf29 to Michael, Kirstin, John, Chris, Agata on 11 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Raaab.
    • Photo: Kirstin Rouse

      Kirstin Rouse answered on 11 Jun 2016:

      When I was in college and started to look at the different degrees that I could do at uni. My A-level subjects and interests all pointed me in the direction of engineering.

    • Photo: John Allport

      John Allport answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      Many members of my family are engineers, so it wasn’t necessarily a case of realising that I wanted to be an engineer. It’s more a way of thinking, so it was a fairly obvious thing for me to take up. Having said that, i have worked in several different areas of engineering, all of which are different to those which other members of my family have worked in, so it’s maybe not so obvious after all.

    • Photo: Agata Suwala

      Agata Suwala answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      I “always” knew I will be an engineer, when I was in primary school I was more interested by maths and physics than any other subjects and I really enjoyed building and designing things.

    • Photo: Chris Hackett

      Chris Hackett answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      The subjects I took in college were quite varied and would have really allowed me to go into most subjects so it was towards the end of college I wanted to push towards engineer. The idea of making things was exciting and made me steer towards engineering
