Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Chris
If you only had one material to use, what would it be and what will you design with it.
by Nina13 to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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what does being an engineer really mean?
by charlotte and 1 other. to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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Are you a socialist?
by Spoodamin to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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whats your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
by doughnutsandcandyfloss to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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favourite flavour popcorn? sweet? salty? sweet and salty? toffee?
by popofthecorn to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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How do maglev trains work?
by Spoodamin to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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Whats your favourite dinosaur
by JoeKennedyLikesNonogons to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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Is their a ‘bully’ at your workplace?
by LegionOfOwls to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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Cookies or Doughnuts
by midget1234 to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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what kind of chocolate, white, milk or dark?
by DaProf to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael
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