• Question: do you have any arguments between you an your competion

    Asked by 654amph47 to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Hi 654amph47,

      If I understand you correctly, I think you mean competition/rivalry between companies or institutions?

      Competition always exists, but they don’t necessarily have to lead to direct arguments. You are usually aware about what your competition is currently doing, and their existence does help everyone as it makes both parties improve, do their best and offer customers and/or funding agencies the best value for their money. Competition is healthy, so I don’t necessarily see my competitors as someone to argue with. I do keep track of them as their work is usually high quality, which could be inspiring and also motivates me to improve my work.


    • Photo: Emma Ryan

      Emma Ryan answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      My friend at work and I once argued about the best way to make a cup of tea.

      He was wrong and you should put the milk in first.

    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Not really. Arguments happen when people don’t behave well. In our business we have very few customers (although they are very big customers) so if you end up arguing with people it can look like you are very immature.

      In reality although we have competition we try to win in a fair way (think like in sports) . We also sometimes help our competitiors or are forced to work togther by the client. By helping others you can show the customer who is the “best team” as we are the experts and are able to help our competitiors who don’t know as much. The customer is pretty smart and knows as much about what we do as anyone else. You can’t lie to them or trying to con or trick them as they will not give you anymore work and we would go bust.
