I think they can be dangerous as rumours can be spread very quickly (i believe there was one a few years ago saying Michael Jackson had died which was a few years before he actually did) and people can be hurt. On the flip side positive social messages can be spread quickly.
If you look at memes in the broader sense of the word then i see good things too. If you take an example of a culture of people who have never looked after their environment for example. With the almost global availability of the internet, the younger generations are coming up through the education system wanting to see change. This can only be good.
I love memes, and I have some friends that are pretty obsessed with them and it is hilarious. However, like Zoe said, memes could also be offensive if you are not careful, and you could end up hurting people because of it. My advice is to always be careful to what you share online through social media and instant messaging. Something may seem to be quite funny, but it may end up spreading out quite quickly and hurting people.