• Question: Thoughts on English(subject)

    Asked by Ruby :)) to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil, Sheryl, Zoe on 11 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Emma Ryan

      Emma Ryan answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      English was my best subject at A Level, not Physics like I went on to study!

      I really enjoy reading and English also taught me how to critically think and to form an argument with evidence which is important for science and many other subjects too.

      I liked Physics more though, I found it more interesting. Also, I thought I’d have more opportunities with Physics when it came to finding a career. Finally, English is easier to have as a hobby – you can read whenever you want. It’s difficult to have Physics as a hobby as I don’t own expensive equipment to do experiments with or radioactive sources or anything like that. I do have a telescope, though!

      Do you like English?

    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      Hi Ruby,

      I actually never took English as you guys probably do as I didn’t study in an English-speaking country. My English was more about learning grammar and vocabulary, as I was learning it as a second language. I did take Spanish literature though! I really liked it since I love reading. My favourite book is called One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (colombian writer that won a Nobel Prize for that book).


    • Photo: Sheryl Williams

      Sheryl Williams answered on 12 Mar 2017:

      Hi Ruby :)),

      I hated English in school has i hated writing essays and the sad thing is you really need to know how to write reports.

      my theory is that people who love Maths dont have the brains for English. at least that is my excuse.

      what do you think?


    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      Hi Ruby, English is important as one of the most aspects of Engineering (and life) is communication. Being able to read, write and speak well is very important. If you don’t have the ability to explain your ideas to people in a coherent way, you will find it very hard to convince them to help you build them. So English is as important as the other subjects!

    • Photo: Shahil Juggernath

      Shahil Juggernath answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      Except for all the cool things we all do, a boring part of our job is writing reports. Millions of reports! Thus, command of especially the English language is key.

      That being said…

      As a subject, English is VERY important. Understanding the mechanics of a language is vital in how we communicate with the world and with others. Also, in school, English focuses on comprehending both normal text and some of the classic novels written by some of the world’s greatest minds.
