Asked by ThePawlow123 to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil, Sheryl, Zoe on 6 Mar 2017.
Sheryl Williams answered on 6 Mar 2017:
Hi ThePawlow123,
As a foreigner Brexit makes me uneasy. However, if the government can get things right it could be a great opportunity, but if handled badly could be a real disaster for our future.
Sheryl -
Andres Rivero answered on 6 Mar 2017:
Hi ThePawlow123,
As a researcher, I am very concerned about the scientific collaboration we currently have with European Universities as we have a great research framework with them. And, as you may expect, there are some brilliant scientists based in European universities. Losing that framework would affect all parties involved, and even those not part of the EU, as good scientific research benefits all scientists around the world.
Emma Ryan answered on 6 Mar 2017:
Dear ThePawlow123,
I, and lots of my colleagues at university, were worried about Brexit.
Lots of our funding comes from the EU, as does our researchers. I work with Cranfield University, which has a lot of international students. The team I work with probably has about 40 people on, only four of which are British. I don’t know how they would get all their work done if there was only four of them (by not sleeping, maybe?).
We have yet to see the effects of Brexit as it has not actually happened yet so we shall see.
At least the European Space Agency is separate from the EU so we can still work with them, even after Brexit!
Emma. -
Zoe Lonsdale answered on 6 Mar 2017:
I believe the reason people have voted out is because they want to see change without necessarily knowing what that will look like. I think it is very difficult for anyone to predict exactly what being out of the EU will look like however the press are very good at looking at sensationalizing things to sell newspapers. If the vote had been the other way then the press would all be saying we should have voted to leave. Unfortunately people are influenced by the press and will generally believe much of what is said. The government will make the economy work for us either way.
Andy Woods answered on 7 Mar 2017:
I think Brexit is a complex topic. I don’t think the UK has been particularly good on ensuring the benefits of EU membership was made available to all people in the UK. I come from one of the poorest parts of the country and I know many people who voted leave.
For people who are highly skilled, membership of the EU helps us trade in those skills and that knowledge. For people who have few skills or knowledge then we have allowed a large number of competitors into the country who are prepared to be paid less than those in UK as the money earned can buy more back in their home economy.
However, as these economies get richer they should start buying more products we make like robots, trains and jet engines.
Until then all many people are seeing is lower pay and less secure employment. I can understand why the voted to leave, I can understand that they don’t realise they were lied to by the leave campaign and I think the UK needs to ensure we can keep on trading.
We need to better redistribute money in the UK to create more equality. I see children at my mum’s school going hungry and without caring homes and parents. These people are losing the most and we need to help them. I don’t think tax is high enough in the UK if we want a fully funded NHS and all the investment in schools and the like which we have got used to.