• Question: What do you have to do to be an engineer?

    Asked by nijja123 to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil, Sheryl, Zoe on 6 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by 624amph45.
    • Photo: Sheryl Williams

      Sheryl Williams answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      hi nijja123,
      To be an engineer you need to have an enquiring mind, not be afraid to fail or try new ideas, enjoy designing and make things and likes/loves Maths.

    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Hi Nijja123

      To be an engineer, I think it is very important to not be afraid of maths and science, work hard and be ready for things to not go as originally planned. In my experience, the best ideas/designs usually come from things that didn’t originally work and failed. So, we always need to keep trying, even if we fail at the beginning.

    • Photo: Zoe Lonsdale

      Zoe Lonsdale answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I left school at 16 with all my GCSE’s (including Maths, Physics, Chemistry, CDT) and went to college to do a BTEC National Diploma in Civil Enigneering and Building Studies. I also did A level Maths and Building Construction. From here i did a degree in Civil Engineering for 4 years. I now work for a contractor and have also done my professional qualifications to become a Chartered Engineer.

      However, engineering is a very diverse industry with many, many different outlets and as such many different ways of getting there. Mine was quite an academic route however there are now degree apprenticeships as an option which are a combination of work and study. There are also many different levels to engineering. Leaders and managers would not achieve anything without the people who do the work so there are lots of options. I’m sure your careers adviser could talk to you in more depth about options that would be suitable for you.

    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      There”s nothing you “have” to do. You can find different ways to be an engineer. I went to College and University some of my colleagues (and bosses) were apprentices and trained that way. As long as you nare prepared to work hard and like solving problems there is some way you can work in Engineering.
