• Question: when will there be flying cars

    Asked by 986amph46 to Emma, Shahil on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Emma Ryan

      Emma Ryan answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Well, there’s going to be driverless cars very very soon which is exciting. Apparently robots are better drivers than humans. There’s work that has to be done before that, though, such as the law being changed. For example, who is to fault if a robot crashes? The robot, the people that made the robot, the people that sold the robot or the people that bought the robot? Which do you think?

      I think flying cars will happen in the next 100 years. A lot of the technology is already out there (like drones), we just need to adapt it. However, I’m not sure flying cars will be a good thing. There will be even more traffic (because you can have different height traffic) which will mean even more pollution! We already have too much pollution.

      What I hope for that will happen in the future is that more people will walk and do stuff locally and use their cars less and when if people do need to go somewhere far away they will use a (driverless!) bus that can fit lots of people on.
