• Question: why do planes with good radar still fly into things

    Asked by periodictable.com to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil, Sheryl, Zoe on 11 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      Hi 974amph22,

      This actually rarely happens (a plane flying into things). And if it does, it is because of human error. Radars can only detect bodies in motion, so if to aeroplanes crash with each other, it is because either one of them (or both) didn’t follow the instructions from the air traffic controller.


    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      Most aircraft (and other thing accidents) generally occur when three things fail. these are an inexperienced operator (pilot or driver), a failure of a system (not necessarily radar but other systems such as landing guidance) and bad weather.

      If only two of these happen then normally everything is okay. But if you get three then the pilot is overwhelmed as they lack the experience to deal with it and accident happen. There are many books on this issue.
