Why do I play Pokemon Go? Because it’s so much fun. I love catching Pokemon. I was so excited when I caught a Jigglypuff. Also, I used to play Pokemon when I was younger and it reminds me of that.
And of course we’re allowed to have fun! We’re even allowed lunch breaks, sometimes. I joke. We have breaks whenever we want. The other day, I went to a restaurant for lunch with some of my friends from work and I had a cheese toastie and it was amazing.
At work, it’s not just making things and testing them (although I find that fun). We have dress down Friday (like a non-uniform day, we used to call them mufti days, I don’t know if you still do) where we can wear our own clothes too. People bring in cake if its their birthday or if they’re celebrating something. People can chat to each other about anything they want whenever they want. People can even play Pokemon Go in the labs.