• Question: Is there is interdependency between different departments in your company? If yes then how do you all merge your ideas and work together to form a final product?

    Asked by rattyvlogger to Graham, Luke, Maksim, Ruth on 18 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      There’s a massive interdependency not only between groups and departments within my work but also with institutions outside of it too! For instance on a project like MICE which I work on, there are people working on different parts of it around the globe. As far as design goes it is very important to all be working to a strict set of international standards and to communicate clearly and often with eachother to keep track of any changes. Computers have vastly improved our ability to do this as 3D CAD models can be sent for other people to view immediately. we also have plenty of meetings!

    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Hello rattyvlogger,
      We have a department who look after our buildings, so we have to talk to them before we want to build new things, or remove old building/walls etc.
      We have to do that, so we don’t overload the electrics, or water systems.
      The safety people need to know as well, as new projects can have new risks, so they have to know what we are doing and when to help keep us safe. I am part fo the network of safety wardens, who are the “eyes” for the safety teams.
      We hold meetings + use email and face to face chats, also using telephones to comunciate.
      We can buy services or “labour” from other departments, so that involves a bit of negotiation at higher level.
      We also have some experiments that use things from the Central Laser fAcility on places like Diamond, so that’s a different company ( thoughSTFC are a big stakeholder ) we work with.
      We also occaisonally have people from our sister site, Daresbury, who pop down from near Widness to use our facilities.
      The Central Laser facilities customers are located all over the World, so there are always lots of meetings !

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      There is a huge inter-dependency within Clyde Gateway, we have the development team (which i work in), the finance team and a property team. we greatly rely on each other for information, support and guidance.



    • Photo: Ruth Gregory

      Ruth Gregory answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      There is a huge interdependency within the departments but also between the client (person paying for the works) and ourselves. We have regular meetings to discuss the works and have access to emails, messenger services, phone calls, drawings and reports. There are plenty of ways we share information. It is really important to make full use of communication skills to complete a project.
