• Question: What engineering skills have you developed or improved upon during the past year?

    Asked by rattyvlogger to Graham, Luke, Ruth on 26 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 26 Jun 2014:

      My skills all around are improving all the time, as I’m fairly early on in my career.
      I’ll take a few examples for you straight from my annual performance review 🙂
      Improved my management skills by taking a more active role in supervising work experience students and discreet work packages
      Improved my skills in dealing with outside companies when problems occur with items they have delivered or made
      Training undertaken: STEM Ambassador Extension, Cryogenic Safety, Compressed Gas safety, ANSYS (a simulation [finite element analysis] program Mechanical Intro, CREO/Windchill (CAD Package), Geometric Tolerancing Course.
      I have also developed my academic capabilities while attending University.

      Over the next 9 months I will be involved in a project with CERN where I will be learning many valuable skills in superconducting magnet design and manufacture. I am really excited about this project!

      I hope this helps to show the breadth of skills you learn as an engineer and how much support STFC as an employer give in training! I mean, that list of courses are just the main ones and there’s SIX of them in the last 12 months! In addition to my degree that they are supporting me with!!

    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 26 Jun 2014:

      Over the past year, I have studied ( and passed ) several modules for my distance learning – subjects were PLC’s ( programmable Logic controllers), electrical services, and, digital/analogue circuits+design.
      I’m just starting my training to become an apprentice assessor for STFC, so that will be new.
      I’ve kept up-to-date with the STFC courses, usual health+safety things.
      Like Luke, and all good engineers Worldwide, I’ll never stop Learning 🙂
