Asked by shane1999 to Ruth on 16 Jun 2014.
anon answered on 16 Jun 2014:
To understand what civil engineers do, you need to think about what you do in the first hour after you wake up on a Monday morning.
You clean your teeth using the running water in your bathroom. Have a cup of tea or coffee. You travel to work on a finely constructed network of roads or on a train or underground system. You park your car or grab another cup of coffee at the train station before heading to the office. You might even walk through an underpass or over a bridge before finally settling at your desk. None of this would have been possible without civil engineers.
Civil engineers design and build bridges, roads, railways, and tunnels. They design and build tall structures and large buildings such as multi-storey car parks, train stations, and even the Olympic stadium.
Without civil engineers we wouldn’t have a constant supply of clean water, or sustainable energy to help us save our planet. Without civil engineers the world we live in would be completely unrecognisable.