• Question: what is engineering to you?

    Asked by kieranm2000 to Graham, Luke, Maksim, Ruth on 16 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by lewisjeffries15.
    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      everything !
      it’s paid for me to have somewhere to live, paid for a vehicle or 4, and allows me to have a pet too, so engineering is usefull. I’ve also used my skills to help neighbours + friends when they’ve got stuck with something.

    • Photo: Ruth Gregory

      Ruth Gregory answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Engineering is a long term career to me. It has given me real purpose and meaning. I can look forward to making the world a better place because of it.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Engineering to me is a way of life, women are seriously under represented in the field of engineering. Only 11% of practising engineers are females. Only 20% of engineering degrees are awarded to females. Engineering is about how hard you work, it’s not a natural talent or ability. It doesn’t come easy for most, but if you put in the time you can become an engineer.


      claire 🙂

    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      For me it is everything you see around you. It’s basically what makes the world work. I love being part of that, even if its a tiny part. I love being able to figure out how something works and identify ways to improve even the most mundane of everyday objects. It’s a great career and has provided me with many opportunities and the life I have today.
