• Question: whats your favourate part in the engineering scene

    Asked by kieranm2000 to Ruth, Graham, Luke, Maksim on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by tomwalton2.
    • Photo: Ruth Gregory

      Ruth Gregory answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      My favourite part is the travelling and meeting amazing people.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      My favourite part is probably the high profile jobs you can work on and get involved with. like at present working along side the delivery of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.



    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      kieranm2000 – and tomwalton2 –
      fav part ? has to be the sense of achievement.
      could be from seeing the trainees progress well, and pick up new skills, or the completion of a new project, or, just a little “warm fuzzy feeling” knowing I’ve helped someone else.

    • Photo: Maksim Schastny

      Maksim Schastny answered on 22 Jun 2014:

      My favourite park has to be helping people. It is the best reward I could ever get.

    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      I love the feeling of seeing something arrive that started out life as a little idea in my head of how to solve a problem. When it arrives after weeks or months of designing and developing that little idea it is so rewarding
