• Question: why do you like engineers

    Asked by shane1999 to Ruth, Maksim, Luke, Graham on 14 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 14 Jun 2014:

      Shane1999, there’s a question !
      Must be their logical minds, attention to detail, confidence, and problem solving abilities.
      ususally wrapped up in a great sense of humour 🙂

    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      Not every engineer is the same! As such you find that you click with some more than others, for much the same reasons as why you have your friend groups at school, ie share the same classes, interests etc. It is a very important skill however to be able to work with all different types of people regardless of any personal feelings you might have. I would like to point out that I do in fact like pretty much all the engineers I work with! (My wife adds that she likes me as an engineer because “brains are sexy” ew.)

    • Photo: Ruth Gregory

      Ruth Gregory answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      Because they are generally very clever, practical and hardworking individuals. I think everyone has their own style and are better at manual and/or desk work than others so not everyone is the same. Engineers always figure out a way to fix a problem and this can be a very useful person to have around.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      i like engineers because they are all very like minded people, they think about a problem the same way (how do we get that building to stay up) as compared to an architect (will it look nice) or a quantity surveyor (how much will it cost).



    • Photo: Maksim Schastny

      Maksim Schastny answered on 22 Jun 2014:

      I like engineers as they all thing in the same way and every time I work with another engineer a problem gets solved twice as fast.
