
Cat Macleod
Happy Friday!!
Curriculum Vitae
Peebles High School (1999-2005), University of Glasgow (2005-2009), University of Strathclyde (2009-2013), University of Glasgow (2014-2015)
BEng (Electronics with Music), MSc (Medical Physics) and EngD (Medical Devices)
Work History:
University of Strathclyde, Holland and Barrett, a removal company and I spent a while working as a lifeguard…
Current Job:
Clinical Scientist
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
About Me
I like coffee and board games and am probably a bit of a geek...
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I live in Glasgow and have a house rabbit called John Snow. I’m vegan and love to cook, although I’m not great at it and the majority of things I make have alot of chilli in them. My favourite TV show is Colombo and I’ve seen every single episode more than 10 times. I enjoy playing board games, hill walks and yoga (not all at the same time).
My Work
I work as a Clinical Scientist at NHS Greater Glasgow and clyde
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I’m a Clinical Scientist and work for the NHS in Glasgow. I work in the Clinical Engineering department in the Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering. I get to work in lots of diverse areas within the hospital, working with patients doing clinical tests, testing and fixing medical equipment, analysing test results and working in research and development with doctors and other medical staff. We work together to come up with ideas for new clinical tests and develop new pieces of medical equipment to improve patient care.
My Typical Day: coffee, emails, coffee, reports, coffee, coding, coffee, electronics.
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My typical day varies throughout the week. On some days I see patients in a visual electrophysiology clinic, do special eye tests, analyse the results and write up reports. I also analyse patient results from intracranial pressure measurements, which is a measure of the amount of pressure in the brain. I discuss the results with neurosurgeons and also make sure the equipment is working properly. On other days I work in the medical devices unit where we develop ideas into new cool medical devices to help patients in hospital. Currently I’m working on a project developing a device to detect sleep apnoea in young kids.
What I'd do with the money
I would like to raise awareness of an awesome charity called Legs4Africa. This charity recycles prosthetic legs and donates them to amputees in Africa to help them live more independently.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
quirky, enthusiastic, motivated
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
I have got to work with robots and even managed to make one walk on two legs like a human!
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My Physics teacher at high school
What was your favourite subject at school?
Music and Art
What did you want to be after you left school?
Sound Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I got in trouble for my school uniform quite alot... I didn't like wearing a tie...
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Postman / playing bass in a band
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Iron Maiden, Paws and Honeyblood
What's your favourite food?
Sandwiches - best combo is marmite and peanut butter
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Played bass in a rock band - we were terrible but it was awesome!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To inspire someone, to always stay positive, to be able to fly
Tell us a joke.
I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time consuming... (sorry I'm terrible at jokes!!)