• Question: Was anyone in your family an engineer before you?

    Asked by Clíodhna D St Dominics to Boris, Cat, Chung Han, Ian, Sophie, Sufia on 11 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ian

      Ian answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Hi Cliodhna,
      My Dad is a thermal engineer, but he didn’t attend university or get a degree – you didn’t need to when he was 16!

    • Photo: Cat Macleod

      Cat Macleod answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      No I think I’m the first engineer which is quite cool! Though I’m always getting asked to fix things…

    • Photo: Boris Mocialov

      Boris Mocialov answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      Not officially, but everyone is a bit of an engineer. My father used to make various cool devices at home that would automate everyday life and my grandfather build a car by himself

    • Photo: Chung Han Chua

      Chung Han Chua answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      My father was a civil engineering making roads and bridges. Though that didn’t play any role as to why I wanted to be an engineer.

    • Photo: Sophie Louth

      Sophie Louth answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      My grandfather was an engineer although he says he thinks he would have liked to have been a surgeon but his school didn’t teach biology so he wasn’t able to be one. My father isn’t an engineer as a job but he is quite like an engineer – he is very good at problem solving and he likes to build things.

    • Photo: Sufia Fatima

      Sufia Fatima answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Nope first person to do engineering from my family.
