We need to talk to the robots when they will be everywhere around us. The best way to communicate is naturally, using speech and gestures. Some do not have ability to speak or hear or the ability to speak and hear fades away as we become older. The robots should learn the natural (to us) way of communicating with the people and sign languages are the natural way for some people. Also, sign languages are fascinating and can do so much more than spoken or written languages
It is extremely difficult to teach them.. anything, really. There are many methods for teaching a robot to learn something and they usually take time (either human time describing what the robot has to learn or time for training systems). For a robot to understand a sign language, it has to use vision to see movement of the hands, face, body of a signer. Then, the robot has to separate individual signs from the streams of sentences. After, the robot has to understand what individual signs meant. Finally, the robot has to understand the meaning of those individual signs in sentences. To do that, I am using statistical models that are trained on many many many examples
16em commented on :
thank you for your answer, how easy is it to teach them and how does it work
Boris commented on :
It is extremely difficult to teach them.. anything, really. There are many methods for teaching a robot to learn something and they usually take time (either human time describing what the robot has to learn or time for training systems). For a robot to understand a sign language, it has to use vision to see movement of the hands, face, body of a signer. Then, the robot has to separate individual signs from the streams of sentences. After, the robot has to understand what individual signs meant. Finally, the robot has to understand the meaning of those individual signs in sentences. To do that, I am using statistical models that are trained on many many many examples