Questions Answered by Cat
Do you like Taylor Swift?
by Brianna S St Dominic's to Sufia, Sophie, Ian, Chung Han, Cat, Boris
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Do you think with your work you are able to make a difference in the world and to the people in it?
by Shannagh O St.Dominics and 3 others. to Boris, Cat, Chung Han, Ian, Sophie, Sufia
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why did you become a vegan?
by Zoe to Cat
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What has being an engineer done for you ?
by Aliyah to Cat
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whats the worst injury’s you’ve come across
by milliep to Cat
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Does working with human like robots not scare you?
by Brianna S St Dominic's to Cat
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what festival are you away to?
by cassiesstdominics to Cat
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Do you enjoy working as a part of the NHS and is it confusing when alalyising results
by caseywstdominics to Cat
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Why did you give up being a lifeguard for your current job?
by Maud StDominic's to Cat
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Do you prefer the researching side of engineering or the practical side better?
by 857artn44 to Cat
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