There is a good amount of coding in my role. I use it for controlling my robot (python and c++) and for doing experiments and also for looking at the results (excel, matlab, python) and machine learning (python, sklearn, tensorFlow).
There is lots of coding involved in my current role. It’s extremely enjoyable. When I sit for coding it’s like I’m in a different zone. When you code and make things work, it is very satisfying. My coding involves writing algorithms to achieve different things, using those that already exist or doing something new on top of what is already known in the field.
Pooja commented on :
There is lots of coding involved in my current role. It’s extremely enjoyable. When I sit for coding it’s like I’m in a different zone. When you code and make things work, it is very satisfying. My coding involves writing algorithms to achieve different things, using those that already exist or doing something new on top of what is already known in the field.