The research we are working on with my group can help people work better together and avoid errors and mistakes (like bugs that cause the computer to crash so you need to reset it). Our programs and use of AI can help people in critical jobs be more focused and more effective. For example, we help doctors coordinate, work faster, and more focused. We also help them come up with new treatments by organising large amounts of patient data.
I think mine might be boring in the first instance, as it will help the finance world to provide better, slicker, easier and cheaper services. Ideally, it shouldn’t be so difficult to save money and move it around. But that is what is currently a problem. So this is the idea, create a super software that will help with that
My own PhD research could make robots able to grasp any kind of object within some constraints (you need to specify what you want to do with it). If the idea is really as good as it looks, it could initiate a process that might be as important as the evolution from Australopithecus (our ape ancestor) to Homo Habilis (the first recorded version of human, able to create stone tools but not to stand straight). Nobody knows it will but I wish so.
The machines I work on as an engineer, make the food we eat safer. Bacteria, spoiled food and other garbage can be detected before they reach a warehouse or a supermarket and before the food goes into our bellies and makes us feel sick.