My job is on developing new technologies, so I do work with technology a lot. I either create new things (such as a new software which can operates the lights of a machine or can coordinate several other electronic boards) or I fix existing things (I add new buttons and new functionalities to a screen, I change the software to handle a new light or vibrator or to comply with a new law). Normally engineers do this, but more senior engineers can choose not to work on technology anymore. Often they work as project managers (they organise the work of all other engineers and they make sure a new product is finished on time without much unforeseen expenses), or they became senior managers. The responsibilities of this job can vary: they can deal with the commercial side of a product proposed by a project manager (e.g. which customers could buy it), or they could decide how many new people to hire and what they should be able to do, or they can decide which engineer will work on which project. In my company, the commercial and people’s management part is done by senior managers and the project-related job (where to buy parts, when to finish things etc.) is done by project managers but this might not be true in general, especially in small companies. If you do not wish do work on technology but you like to work in a technological company it is possible to jump directly to a smaller management job (at least in Italy) but I would strongly advise to get few years experience on technology otherwise you might find difficult to make plans if you don’t know intimately how things work