My least favorite subject was Art, I was never able to draw anything vaguely resembling what I wanted to do and my own art teachers were not able to engage me with the files and achievements of the artists. Another bad one was Ancient Greek: it was impossible to translate back to Italian and what I translated often didn’t made any sense at all!
I really struggled with Ancient Greek. For example, when I practised my verbs, I would learn the first one and by the time I managed to learn the second one I would have forgotten the first and had to restart. Frustrating…
I am not sure I had a subject I didn’t like, but some did disappoint me. For example, I was told in 9th Grade that we would cover viruses and bacteria later and then that never happened, cause they changed the curriculum (What?!?!) – after that my love to Biology faded.
Also, I grew up with a tv show called MacGyver (the one from the 80s / beginning 90s), basically this guy would build super awesome bombs just with a chewing gum and some plaster or something like that. Anyway, I sort of expected my Physics and Chemistry lessons to be like that – turns out they are not. #sad
Mathematics was and is my favourite subject. I remember wondering how weird the subject was. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t able to score full credits in that subject. For that reason I used to study Math the most and eventually it became the favourite subject. But I was lucky as Math is not just a subject, but is a life skill.
Pooja commented on :
Mathematics was and is my favourite subject. I remember wondering how weird the subject was. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t able to score full credits in that subject. For that reason I used to study Math the most and eventually it became the favourite subject. But I was lucky as Math is not just a subject, but is a life skill.
854artk46 commented on :
My least Favourite subject at school is Dt
Peppe commented on :
@Petros, that said by a Greek native it really means a lot to me! 🙂