Science is methodical. Science has a set approach to everything we do and thus it has lots of potential to find problems, resolve problems, reason why something must have happened.
Because I am curious! I want to understand how everything works. I’m the kind of person who dies to know how magicians do their tricks! Science is about understanding the world around us, figuring out the rules, and taking advantage of them to improve our lives. I don’t like taking things for granted. I ask WHY? (like you did in this question) all the time.
Engineers need science because science answers the questions “can you do this at all or not?”. Having someone able to answer that question allows you say “I can try to do this in this way rather than in your way because Dr. X said it is possible”. Then the next task will be to make the thing very efficient, extensible, easy to use etc. Without science engineers will be able to do something very well but nothing technologically striking. Example: if a scientist can prove that a robot can grasp screwdrivers to screw bolts and to hammer things, then an engineer can make that robot grasp, screw and hammer screwdrivers and pens very quickly and very efficiently
Hmm, good question. I was always interested in things: How do volcanoes work? What does the sun do? How big is the universe? Drove my mom mad, so she bought me lots of books and I went to the library a lot of times (that was when there was no internet yet!)
I guess I was always super curious and wanted to understand the world around me and it turns out, this is what science does. I am still like a kid in this sense, you never ever stop learning and being curious. Last year I learned how to calculate the diameter of a black hole after a star explodes (they have always fascinated me) and that was just super cool. You can just use maths and there it is, awesome.
I guess that is it – the fact that with science there will always be questions and sometimes answers and it usually blows your mind.
I like to answer questions systematically and with data. You know you are right if you answer something scientifically and other people can reproduce it.