Chloe James
Ask me some questions! :)
Curriculum Vitae
Wolverhampton Girls’ High School. Staffordshire University
11 GCSE’s, 3 A Levels and a BSc (Hons) Aeronautical Technology
Work History:
I started with lots of part time work whilst at school and university. My first job was in McDonalds! Since then, I have worked as a cafe assistant, a customer service assistant, a student advisor, and now an Integrated Logistics Support engineer
Current Job:
Integrated Logistics Support Engineer
About Me
I am an engineer working in the Defence industry, who loves things like planes, ships and tanks. I love being active and spend a lot of time outside when I'm not at work!
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I live just north of Bristol and am very lucky to be so close to lots of nature in both England and Wales. I spend a lot of time outside (when I’m not at work), so love to go hiking and rambling in the English and Welsh countryside. Most weekends you’ll find me on top of a hill somewhere!
I’m originally from the West Midlands, which is where I lived and studied and where I met my boyfriend who is also an engineer. I’ve spent a lot of time volunteering with young people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and really enjoy showing people the exciting bits about engineering and science.
I also love travelling and often travel to countries on my own, as a solo traveler. I find this so much fun and love to learn about new cultures and countries. Before the pandemic, I completed a trip to Germany, where I visited lots of different cities and once the pandemic is over, I’m hoping to explore Poland and some of the history in the country!
My pronouns are
My Work
I work to assist the Type 45 Warship, using data to keep the people on board safe
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I currently work as an Integrated Logistics Support Engineer on the Type 45 Warship programme, to support the Royal Navy. The Type 45 is a large warship used by the Royal Navy for lots of different activities and me and my team make sure that all the data onboard the ship is correct and accurate. This is really important as it means the ship and the crew on board stay safe. I receive lots of information and data from lots of different sources, and it is my job to make sure it all fits together correctly and accurately. This includes using lots of software and communicating with engineers across the business.
My Typical Day: Firstly, I usually have a team meeting to discuss anything that was missed from the day before. I then check my emails to see if anything was sent through from the day before. The morning is usually spent analysing data and seeing how the data will fit together. The afternoon is usually spent by putting that data into the correct place and making sure it fits.
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My day starts really early so I am online at 6am! I am lucky to be working from home currently, due to the pandemic, so my hours are more flexible. I spend most of my day analysing and implementing data, to ensure the ship remains safe. I am lucky that I get to finish my day by 14:30.
What I'd do with the money
I want to bridge the gap between schools and industry and would love to be able to set up STEM clubs across my region.
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I would love to encourage more people into STEM careers, and in particular, young women. I believe STEM clubs and activities are a crucial way of bridging the gap between schools and industry.
If I was to win the £500, it would allow me to provide resources for STEM clubs, and allow for more children to be engaged in STEM activities. This can include things like lego kits, spaghetti and marshmallows for bridge building competitions, and mini LED circuit kits. With these clubs, children are exposed to STEM in a fun and interactive way, meaning they are more likely to consider STEM at GCSE or A level.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Volunteer, Outdoors-loving, Analyst
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Worked on a project for a large upgrade to one of the ships I worked on
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
I was an Air Cadet and I had some fantastic role models who inspired me
What was your favourite subject at school?
Maths (and German)
What did you want to be after you left school?
An astronaut
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I'd probably be an interpreter for German language
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Robbie Williams
What's your favourite food?
Garlic bread
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I completed a skydive from 10,000 feet!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. Get more women and girls into STEM careers. 2. Be rich enough to buy a house without a mortgage. 3. Get a dog