• Question: what is your biggest goal for the future and how do you think you will achieve that?

    Asked by same134raw on 17 Jul 2021.
    • Photo: Chloe James

      Chloe James answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      I have two big goals for the future – my first big goal is for my personal career development. I’d love to be a manager within engineering, where I can lead a team of engineers to achieve success in a project. I think I’ll achieve that by lots of training, making sure I complete my masters degree, and asking questions when I’m not sure.

      My second big goal is less about work and more about encouraging others. I’ve been setting up an engineering hub in my team, where volunteers can go out and talk to young people about engineering and all the exciting opportunities there are. I hope that in the future, I can expand this and make it even bigger. I’d like to deploy this across my entire site, not just my team, so that more engineers can go out and talk to young people. Achieving this one can be more difficult, as managers only have so much money to fund initiatives. By encouraging more people to join, I’m hoping it will continue to grow!

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      One of my biggest goals is to become a Chartered Engineer, this will show that I am a really good engineer, my application will be checked by other engineers in my industry to see if I am as good as I think I am.

      I currently applying for Incorporated Engineer, which is the level down from Chartered. So if I can reach those requirement levels, I will be part way there.

      I know I have to do some more career development in management and the hardware side of things. So, I am working on improving my project management skills at the moment and working on more hardware focused projects.

    • Photo: Emma Crook

      Emma Crook answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      career wise – i’m currently filling out my application to become a chartered chemical engineer. once i’ve done that, i have an industry recognised achievement that says i’m good at my job! Then i’d like to get more into project management or safety management. the company i work for is very good at moving people into different jobs and making sure you get a good amount of experience, if you show interest! so i’ll be working with my company and boss to get moved into those positions and get more experience.

    • Photo: Murat Islam

      Murat Islam answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      I want be a Fellow member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. I’ll have to fill in an online application form and write statements to justify my competencies in engineering, technical evaluation, leadership, management, communication, work ethics and codes of conduct, etc.. I need to prove my significant autonomy in engineering projects, my technical ability, my leadership, that I can deliver big outcomes for the industry, and at the same time I am promoting engineering to the new generation while I am also continually developing myself as a qualified engineer. https://www.imeche.org/membership-registration/become-a-member/fellow

    • Photo: Helen Randell

      Helen Randell answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      In terms of my career I’d like to become responsible for Infrastructure Engineering and make sure we have a big team looking at innovation and sustainability. I’d also like to become a reviewer for people who apply to become Chartered Engineers so i can help them in their journey to becoming Chartered too.

      In my personal life i would like to keep improving my horse riding and be able to compete at dressage in a top hat and tails like you see at the Olympics (at the minute compete at a level below the ones you are allowed to wear tails for!)

    • Photo: Sam Hurst

      Sam Hurst answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      To use my discipline and experience to better the lives of people in the UK and around the world. I aim to do this by joining charities such as STEM and Engineers Without Boarders.
