For me being an engineer involves a lot of problem solving, data analysis (spreadsheet bashing), and calculations.
There are also ‘soft’ skills that are a big part of my job. Being able to communicate with different people is a very important thing, from senior management & principal engineers down to site operators. All these people need to be communicated with differently.
Also it involves diagnostic skills – being able to identify problems on operating kit, a bit like finding a fault with a car.
Hi there!
Being an engineer is about problem solving for me, and trying to communicate the solution to as many people as need to know!
As Mark says, there are so many skills that you can use in engineering – its a great career!
Cathy commented on :
Hi there!
Being an engineer is about problem solving for me, and trying to communicate the solution to as many people as need to know!
As Mark says, there are so many skills that you can use in engineering – its a great career!