• Question: What subjects of engineering do you cover in your lectures

    Asked by chrisofwhitburn to Rory on 15 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Rory Hadden

      Rory Hadden answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      Hi Chris,
      Thats a good question. There are two courses I am teaching now. They are called ‘Fluid Mechanics’ and ‘Heat Transfer’ these are strange names but I will try to explain…

      Fluid Mechanics – this is the way liquids and gases move. We look at topics from how water flows in pipes to what makes aeroplanes fly.

      Heat transfer – this is how heat moves. There are three ways:
      1. conduction – heat moving through an object. This is what you feel when you touch something hot
      2 convection – heat being carried as a fluid moves. This is why standing in the wind makes you cold
      3. radiation – heat transmitted by electromagnetic radiation. This is what you feel from the sun on a sunny day.

      We also do a lot of design teaching which involves groups of students working together to solve real problems in a creative way.

      There are lots of aspects to teaching at University – lectures are only one way. We also teach practical skills in laboratories and problem solving in tutorials.

      let me know if you have any more questions!

