0 Question: if you could quit your job and get £10000000000,would you? Keywords: job, money Asked by hey.its.ems to Lulu, Chris on 12 Nov 2019.
Lulu Buford answered on 12 Nov 2019:
If it meant quitting to get that money then yes, but if I could get it as well, I would carry on working because I enjoy it!
Chris Parmenter answered on 13 Nov 2019:
If I could quit for that money… then yes I probably would! But knowing me, I’d get bored and want to go back to working on cutting edge technology, because I really enjoy my job!
jazz129pen commented on 15 Nov 2019:
good answer
you are a cool guy
name129can commented on 18 Nov 2019:
if you could quit your job and get £10000000000,would you?
jazz129pen commented on :
good answer
jazz129pen commented on :
you are a cool guy
name129can commented on :