I’d have liked to have designed more human producing electricity. A few gyms have machines that actually feed back power to the grid therefore putting human sweat back into the energy we consume!! I’m passionate about renewable energy and think the UK could do more to make us humans a little greener with energy production!
I think they use this concept a lot more in the US, but just 2 days ago I rode a bike to power a blender to make a delicious smoothie!
I love listening to and playing music, so if I could have designed anything it would have been the electric guitar on the lines of the Fender Strat or Gibson Les Paul.
My current passion is energy saving and responsible living so an environmentally sustainable replacement to plastic which could be applied in all the situations that we use plastic would be the best thing in the world for me.
Skyeeeeee commented on :
i would desine a medicen to cure all untreetable desises