Questions Answered by Will
siri or cortana ???
by hawk129pen to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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google home or amazon echo ????
by hawk129pen to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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do you believe that more young people should get into engineering
by Lacey g to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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What was your favorite project to work on?
by RhysM and 3 others. to Chris, Will, Lulu, Fahim, Candice
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what’s your favourite car?
by free129pen and 2 others. to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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How old are you???
by hawk129pen to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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Do you ever work with children in your job?
by free129pen to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice
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Looking back at how you got to where you currently are, what would you change or do better?
by tree129ace and 1 other. to Will, Chris
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Do you enjoy your job and do you look forward to going to work everyday?
by claris and 3 others. to Chris, Will, Lulu, Fahim, Candice
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was its a struggle to complete your study’s whilst maintaining a social life?
by five129zip and 3 others. to Will, Lulu, Chris
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