My Work: I give YOU power by working out how to get oil and gas stuck deep underground to power stations to make electricity so you can watch TV, have hot...
Status: Noooo!!! Well that was fun while it lasted :). Keep the questions coming!
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Latest Question:If you could change one thing in your job what would it be?
Latest Comment:Do you prefer Converse or Vans? (1 comments)
My Work: Research and Teaching of the Science, Engineering and Application of Renewable Energy Systems
Status: Cup of Tea in hand, and ready to answer questions!
Latest Question:What is your favorite car make and model/
My Work: Building Services Engineer
Latest Question:do you think anyone even people with bad grades can be an engineer ?
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My Work: I use supercomputers to simulate nuclear reactors, wind farms and dinosaur locomotion
Status: Now heading back to Blighty
Latest Question:What are you currently designing?
Latest Comment:what cool futury machine do you want to be the first to make? (1 comments)
My Work: I design power stations, keeping the lights on as safely and efficiently as possible #boringstatement
Status: Wow... got past the first eviction! Crazy...
Latest Question:What sports do you like?
Latest Comment:which re-newable enegry source do think works the best ? (1 comments)