• Question: Do you think there are enough female engineers?

    Asked by 600enec42 to Hilly, Lee, Liz, Tadhg, Yasmin on 22 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Yasmin Ali

      Yasmin Ali answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Definitely not. About 10% of the engineering work force is made up of women. When you think about the human population, it’s made up of 50% women, so surely more of us should be involved in engineering and designing our world?

    • Photo: Tadhg O'Donovan

      Tadhg O'Donovan answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Simple answer to this one: No!

      We profession need more engineers and we need more female engineers. The profession is lacking female role models (although all my bosses have been female) and maybe at a young age, there is a perception that engineering is a “boys” job? Well I can tell you it isn’t! I think this forum (“I’m an Engineer”) is a great way for us to show you that it’s not!

      Do you have any theories? How can we encourage more females into a career as an engineer? Today is National Women in Engineering Day btw!

    • Photo: Liz Meddings

      Liz Meddings answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      Definitely not! Engineering is a great profession to be in and there’s no reason why there shouldn’t be more female engineers. Today’s National Women in Engineering Day so there should be lots of articles and interviews to draw inspiration from.

    • Photo: Lee Margetts

      Lee Margetts answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      There are very few female engineers. It is a big issue and even the Prime Minister David Cameron has been looking into it. I hope this changes in the future.

    • Photo: David Hill

      David Hill answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      I’m going to go against the grain… and say it doesn’t matter what gender you are!

      What we need is more talented engineers, both male and female! Gender doesn’t really make a difference, I’ve worked with both male and female engineers and their skill sets were completely different, both were super talented within their own right!

      Although its currently a male dominated industry, the gender split is improving every year, so its great to see girls are taking an interest in engineering!
