I hate my answer already! It makes me sound really old! (I’m not!).. so let me explain!
I got great marks in school and at university! But looking back! I could have done so much more academically than I did… putting in the hours into the study, really benefits you in the long run! I had the attitude “why do I need to study more, I’m already getting top marks”… it was the wrong attitude to have… took me till 3rd year at university to realise this!
EQUALLY… I had a great time at school, socially, playing sports and made loads of great friends I still see all the time today! But life is all about balance, stick in at school but build your life around what you enjoy! Work to live, don’t live to work!
Education gives you the opportunities to do what you want, gives you the ability to make the informed choices, in all aspects of life, and ultimately it provides the money to enable you to live! (Also don’t forget that your working life is the majority of your life… so you’ll also probably want a job that keeps you engaged! – Engineering certainly provides that!
I would say: ‘Yasmin, don’t worry so much that you don’t know what you want to do.’
It always felt like everyone else knew exactly what they wanted to do, and like I was behind and a bit lost. In reality, it didn’t matter that much, the important thing was being interested in lots of different things and working hard… because I was curious, I stumbled across engineering and found something cool to do!
@Moomin Bates – Don’t regret anything you do in the future. Live each day as if it were the best gift anyone had ever given you. Be happy. Have no fear. Go for it!