I think all engineering jobs are important! There’s so few of us and so many problems that need solving. I’d say that engineering is more important than, say media commentary.
I don’t think any engineer ranks their job as more important than another. We all work together and offer different expertise – no one of us can do it all 🙂
I agree with Liz though – we deal in facts – and I prefer that to opinion or bias 🙂
It is difficult to compare the importance of jobs. My job involves training future engineers who I hope will go on to do great work like the other engineers. I also develop new computer modelling tools for engineers to use. These tools are used by engineers in the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.
We need lots of different engineers and jobs to make sure the world is working and we are surviving, so I can’t say that one job is more important than another! However, I think engineers in the energy industry are critical because EVERYTHING relies on energy.