• Question: what kind of skills do you need to do your job?

    Asked by ameliaxx to Liz, Hilly, Lee, Tadhg, Yasmin on 15 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by 421enec47.
    • Photo: Liz Meddings

      Liz Meddings answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Being good at maths helps but I also need other skills such as creative problem solving, an inquiring mind and definitely good communication skills as often our clients are not technical.

    • Photo: Tadhg O'Donovan

      Tadhg O'Donovan answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Maths and Physics are certainly key, but with a bit of experience you develop a “confidence” that you can “figure it out”. You can learn the skill/methodology/approach to a problem to help you find the solution – this is likely to include background reading/research, calculations leading to design and test. Creativity is also key to the whole process.

    • Photo: Yasmin Ali

      Yasmin Ali answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Being good at working with other people is really important. The project I work on is too big for one person to do, so I have to make sure my bit fits in with what everyone else is doing. I’m working on the cost estimating, so have to ask the right questions of people!

    • Photo: Lee Margetts

      Lee Margetts answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      I use maths and science daily for the engineering. I also have a management qualification and that comes in handy when thinking about strategy, planning and motivating members of my team.
