There isn’t a best renewable energy source in my opinion! I think it depends on what sort of environment you live in. If you live somewhere windy, wind turbines are great… of you leave near waterfalls, you can install hydroelectric power stations, and so on!
If I had to choose, I would pick solar because I like being in sunny places :).
I think we need to use all of the renewable sources available to give a good mix and so that there’s back up for when one source isn’t generating at full capacity e.g. a cloudy day or a still day.
I wonder if the word renewable is strictly correct. The sun burns hydrogen gas in a process called fusion and releases energy in the form of light and radiation. It’ll eventually all be used up and the sun will do some strange things as a result. If we covered the planet in wind farms and wave energy collectors, would we alter weather patterns and the climate?
I think a reduction in our energy consumption, even with these renewables, is a good aim, so solar and wind energy are used efficiently. I do like the idea of building fusion reactors and turning matter into energy. A huge amount of energy can be created from very little matter, so that is probably going to win in the long run.