My Work: I run and fix big electrical equipment for a science experiment looking at a future power generation idea.
Status: Wooo!
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Latest Question:What was your life like when you were a child
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My Work: In a nut shell, I work as the link between power stations and you (Customer).
Latest Question:What would you consider to be your greatest success in using your skills to solve an engineering problem?
Latest Comment:what does your job entail? (2 comments)
My Work: I am a Power System Engineer at National Grid
Latest Question:do you wish you picked a different job
My Work: Dedicated researcher working on future energy materials.
Latest Question:what is your perfect day out
Latest Comment:How do you get to work; train, bus or car? (1 comments)
My Work: I help keep Britain’s lights on by fixing power stations and making plans for a clean energy future in the UK
Status: Thanks for all your votes! I've had a blast .I hope you enjoyed and learned something too! :)
Latest Question:What books do you read