• Question: Do you regret anything about your career so far?

    Asked by east139tag on 10 Dec 2021.
    • Photo: Craig Hickman

      Craig Hickman answered on 29 Nov 2021:

      There are design choices on previous projects that I would now do differently, but I do not regret my choice to become an engineer in this field.

    • Photo: Ally King

      Ally King answered on 6 Dec 2021:

      I regret not being more confident when I started my career! I have now learnt to trust my own judgement and know that I can make valuable contributions to my team but it took me a while to feel confident doing that and because of that I think I missed some opportunities!

    • Photo: Priscilla Ting

      Priscilla Ting answered on 7 Dec 2021:

      I do not think so! I may sometimes wish I had chosen better options or solutions for past projects but it is a learning curve that I am happy to embrace. I do not regret one bit of becoming an engineer. 🙂

    • Photo: Hermione Salter

      Hermione Salter answered on 7 Dec 2021:

      Sometimes I have wondered if I should have done an engineering degree rather than physics, as I have found that the work I like doing is more typical of an engineer. That said, I don’t think it really is a regret, as it still got me to where I am today, and I have ways of approaching problems that are different to people with different degrees from me. When we all work together, this can give us a better chance at solving the problems than if we all knew exactly the same things and thought in exactly the same way!

      Also, like Ally said, I tend to doubt myself a fair bit and sometimes that can hold me back! I’m not sure if I will ever be able to fully silence the voice telling me I can’t do things as well as others, but I now work hard to ignore it and take opportunities anyway! 🙂
