• Question: Are you making any devices to help control diabetes

    Asked by anwar to Alex on 18 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Lyness

      Alex Lyness answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Hey @anwar,

      I have working with people who are making devices to control diabetes. The holy grail would be to make an ‘artificial’ or ‘robotic’ pancreas that could be implanted to patients. This will happen within the next 10 years but the development is very risky as having too much or too little insulin can be fatal so the MUST work 100% of the time before it is used so many clinical trials are needed.

      My current work is trying to go one better than this though, I am trying to cure Type I diabetes entirely using a surgical device. It is very tricky to do but technically it is possible. It will take me 1-2 years but hopefully we can get our idea to work in a trial.

      Wish me luck 🙂
