My Work: I work in a field called machine learning, where I design motion and control models and systems, that accurately mimic human motion and behaviour.
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Latest Question:are you involved with the robotic legs for people who are paralysed ?
Latest Comment:Why didn't you tell us a joke? :( (1 comments)
My Work: I’m a PhD student looking at fixing damaged hearts by making ‘bandages’ out of plants
Status: Second place... But what an amazing experience! Bring on next weekend for more public engagement!
Latest Question:how do you make engneering fun in life?
Latest Comment:What is your biggest aspiration in life as an engineer? (1 comments)
My Work: I’m a D.Phil student working to combine different types of data to answer exciting medical questions about tuberculosis and inflammatory bowel...
Latest Question:do you get on with people at work
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My Work: My research is looking at designing better treatment for the ankle – for young and old patients alike!
Status: Really excited to be back here to talk engineering!
Latest Question:How do you want to be disposed of when you’re dead and why? e.g. buried, cremated
Latest Comment:Where do you imagine medical engineering will be in 10 years? and where do you see yourself? (1 comments)
My Work: I design new drug delivery devices that inject human cells (that have been collected from donors or grown in a lab) into patients to treat injuries...
Status: Winner! Thanks for to everyone who voted, its been a great experience! Hopefully a few of you guys will have been inspired to have a go at...
Latest Question:do you make things that are efficent
Latest Comment:how do you get dimentchia (1 comments)