Hi lea986
This isn’t really an area I’m an expert in, I’m afraid. I know there’s a lot of research still going on to see how it develops, and so how we might prevent it. It’s likely to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors, but more than that, I’m afraid I don’t know.
None of us are experts in diagnosing diseases (that’s for doctors and scientists to do) but some of us can help prevent or, hopefully one day, cure ageing diseases like Dementia.
Alex commented on :
Hey lea986,
None of us are experts in diagnosing diseases (that’s for doctors and scientists to do) but some of us can help prevent or, hopefully one day, cure ageing diseases like Dementia.
To see how check out my answer and links to a similar question here: /healthj14-zone/2014/06/there-has-been-a-lot-on-the-news-about-dementia-research-and-even-david-cameron-himself-has-commented-on-it-how-close
Hope that helps 🙂
fanta02 commented on :
abdullah123 commented on :