• Question: I love L.F.C. what footy teams do you support

    Asked by CRAZYxTDx to Julia, Krishnaa, Laura, Rebecca, Si on 12 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Simon Willocks

      Simon Willocks answered on 12 Jun 2016:


      Sorry – I don’t follow football… I like rugby…!… Sale Sharks is my local team….

      My two sons follow football.. Liverpool and Manchester City !!…

    • Photo: Rebecca Pullon

      Rebecca Pullon answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      I’m afraid I don’t follow football either….

      Being from New Zealand the only sport I [vaguely] follow is rugby!

    • Photo: Krishnaa Mahbubani

      Krishnaa Mahbubani answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Sadly – I don’t really follow a team, have been known to play for my college team so I guess I support them 🙂
      Much more of a rugby fan!

    • Photo: Julia Faerber

      Julia Faerber answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Borussia Dortmund!

    • Photo: Laura O'Shea

      Laura O'Shea answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Hi there,
      I’ve never supported a particular football team, just used to watch all of the goals on Match of the Day on a Sunday morning 🙂
