Questions with the keyword 'hard'
- is it hard getting into the formula 1 business and is the pay good and do you like your job??? by nadenator to Kayleigh Comments: (No comments so far )
- Was it hard to become a computer Engineer? If so how? by ryankelly to Andy Comments: (No comments so far )
- How hard is it to get into the engineering side of formula 1 or 3 ??? i am very interested in it so would like some by elliotkr to Kayleigh Comments: (No comments so far )
- what would you say is the most challenging thing is about working for lotus F1 by bomboms and 1 other. to Andy, Bill, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain Comments: (No comments so far )
- was it hard doing your A-levels ??? by nadenator to Andy, Bill, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain Comments: (No comments so far )
- How long did it take you to get all of your qualifications and was it hard to get them? by walkeraj15 and 4 others. to Andy, Bill, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain Comments: (No comments so far )
- what was your hardest project by josh4597 and 3 others. to Andy, Bill, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain Comments: (No comments so far )
- is your job as a srutctural engineer hard??? by 9seymourj and 2 others. to Bill, Andy, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain Comments: (No comments so far )