• Question: Which qualification did you need most to achieve the job you have today?

    Asked by wainwrh01 to Andy, Bill, Grant, Kayleigh, Rain on 13 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by henry.
    • Photo: Andrew Hearn

      Andrew Hearn answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      The HND in Computer Automation and Networking got me into my first job, and from there on it was becoming an incorporated engineer (IEng) over a number of years – I was very lucky that the company I then worked for supported on-the-job training and mentoring by older and experienced engineers. I think if that didn’t happen, I would have done my Plan B and studied for a degree!

    • Photo: Rain Irshad

      Rain Irshad answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      Probably my doctorate. You can do the sort of thing I do without a PhD, but it takes an awfully long time. Having said that, so does getting a PhD.

    • Photo: Kayleigh Messer

      Kayleigh Messer answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      My degree – I graduated from uni with a masters in Motorsport Engineering. GCSEs and A-Levels are needed to get into the course – but if you don’t have the right grades there is a foundation course which bridges between A-Levels and the degree. Without the degree I wouldn’t have got the job I have.

    • Photo: Bill Price

      Bill Price answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      Interesting. Id say a whole sequence of qualifications led to this job. The crunch is to do with being Chartered CEng MICE but before that I had a degree and Alevels and GCSE’s etc. But in addition you need some less tangible qualifications like a passion for engineering, team work, creative, flexible and ambitious. Less easy to measure but just as important.
